AMVIC is funded through:
Business licensing
Automotive businesses are legally required to be licensed by AMVIC. Licensees must meet several requirements prior to being issued a licence and must pay a licensing fee to AMVIC annually.
Salesperson registration and course
Anyone who solicits, negotiates or concludes an automotive sale in Alberta must be registered with AMVIC as a salesperson. Salespeople must meet several requirements before they are issued a registration, including successfully completing the Salesperson Registration Course with a grade of 80 per cent or higher. Salespeople pay a course fee and a annual registration fee to AMVIC.
AMVIC sales levy
AMVIC-licensed businesses must remit a $10 levy to AMVIC from every new or used vehicle it sells or leases to a consumer. Revenue generated from the levy is used to support AMVIC in fulfilling responsibilities as delegated by the Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction. Part of that levy revenue goes to the Compensation Fund. The levy is also used to provide investigation and education programs.